As of 2023, Darkhan Metallurgical Plant LLC employs a total of 1,560 employees. Of this workforce, 60% reside within the Ger area, while approximately 10% live in rentedaccommodations.
In the survey conducted on the social issues affecting all employees of the company, housing emerged as one of the foremost issues to be addressed. Seventy percent of the employees who applied for housing were mine workers, while thirty percent were factory workers. Consequently, the management of Darkhan Metallurgical Plant LLC is diligently working to implement a project the construction of a cost-effective and comfortable residential complex to improve the living confitions of the plant’s employees. Approximately 700 kindergarten-age children and 1,500 school-age children of employees who applied for housing require access to kindergarten and school facilities.
As part of the project to develop a residential area for industrial employees, we are evaluating the establishment of a comprehensive complex that includes a kindergarten and school. The development of a housing complex for employees is currently in the stage where the Governor of the province is finalizing the selection of a site for infrastructure development on a 5-hectare parcel of land, while also identifying the company to undertake the implementation of the project. The construction of employee residential facilities is set to begin shortly.